What Is Spring Fever Disease? 6 Common Symptoms, Causes & Prevention

Dec 20 2024 - Views: 274
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Spring season comes as salvation from winter. However, it still brings us some troubles in both mental and physical health, especially spring fever disease. Is this disease a real phenomenon, or is it just that we believe we are entitled to feel this way? This article will share some interesting information about this seasonal disease with you. Scroll down for the details!

 What’s spring fever?

What’s spring fever?

What Is The Spring Fever?

Nowadays, spring fever is used colloquially to describe the sense of restlessness and excitement that comes with the arrival of spring.

This disease was one of several prevalent springtime illnesses in the past. During the 18th century, individuals occasionally felt ill during the spring, feeling weakness, loose teeth, joint swelling, and poor wound healing: the clinical signs of scurvy.

Today, scurvy is uncommon. When noticed, it is mainly among alcoholics or those on extremely strict diets rather than city inhabitants who lack access to food sources.

 Spring fever disease often occurs in April and May

Spring fever disease often occurs in April and May

According to Michael Terman, director of Columbia University Medical Center's Center for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms, spring fever was not a definitive diagnostic category. 

However, it was suggested to start with a swift but volatile fluctuating mood and energy state compared with the relatively low [of the] winter months that precede it.

Common Spring Fever Symptoms

There is much scientific evidence to prove spring fever disease is real. Here are the 6 telltale signs that you have got a bad spring fever.

You suddenly want to jog or do something

Perhaps it is the extra vitamin D from all the spring sunshine that gives us the energy to run a mile after work. 

Or, as Michael Smolensky, PhD, professor at the University of Texas-Houston School of Public Health, explained on WebMD, it may be that body image "springs" to the forefront of our minds. 

Whatever the cause, the spontaneous desire to go for a walk during your lunch break or exercise more is genuine.

 Extra vitamin D from sunshine gives us the energy to run a mile after work

Extra vitamin D from sunshine gives us the energy to run a mile after work

You want to eat lighter and fresher foods

Do you want to taste some fresh salads and farmer's market fruit? That is an unmistakable sign of spring disease. 

We can thank our great-grandparents for that aspect of our internal clock. When our forefathers faced starvation during the winter months, they would eat heavy foods like meat and go through a form of hibernation to prepare for it.

 Tasting lighter and fresher foods in spring

Tasting lighter and fresher foods in spring

People choose to consume fewer fruits and vegetables in the winter since there are fewer in the season than in the spring and summer. In addition, during the summer, we prefer to consume lighter foods and more vitamins and proteins.

You are sleeping less

It could be more difficult to fall asleep at normal times in the spring, which is not just because of daylight savings time. 

The increased exposure to sunlight instructs our bodies to create less melatonin, a key component in getting your brain to sleep.

 It could be more difficult to fall asleep at the normal time in the spring

It could be more difficult to fall asleep at the normal time in the spring

You cannot stop smiling

In the spring, you are going to be happier. You can realize that you are laughing, whistling, being sweet for no reason, and even tapping your shoes on the street corner. 

Both of these are signs of spring fever disease (depending on your level of quirkiness).

 You are going to be happier in spring

You are going to be happier in spring

These weird behaviors can be due to chemical changes in your body. 

According to a 2008 report, it discovered a rise of serotonin during the transition to spring. Serotonin influences our mood, and according to the Huffington Post, it is "likely implicated in the intense desire for life we experience in springtime.”

You cannot stop thinking about sexual issues

In contrast to the fall and winter, when all we want is a snuggle buddy (especially on snow days), the spring and summer seem to be more carnal — people are the most horny in the spring. 

Part of the explanation for this may be that men and women wear fewer clothes in warm climates, resulting in more intense physical attraction. 

 People are the horniest in the spring

People are the horniest in the spring

Another theory suggested by the University of Tromso in Norway is that sunshine stimulates endorphins, putting us in a healthier mood (happy) and the mood for physical attraction (happy endings).

Moreover, “Women, in fact, have a more frisky feeling.” “The light makes them less sleepy and more interested in sex,” says Holte, who is the director of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health's Mental and Physical Health domain and an adjunct professor of health psychology at the University of Oslo.

Sweeping & swiffer-ing have evolved into legal pastimes that you look forward to

 You will want to sweep and clean everything

You will want to sweep and clean everything

You do not care about the shopping trip or sunbathing you had scheduled for Sunday morning; you just want to scrub everything. You are not alone in your almost insatiable desire. 

Apparently, spring cleaning is so heavily rooted in our Western society — cleaning supplies and facilities are known to increase their ads in the spring — that it feels like it is entrenched in our subconscious. 

Nonetheless, this is a symptom of spring fever disease.

Read more:

What Causes Spring Fever Disease?

"Spring fever" is a cultural term instead of a recognized medical condition. Also, it is not a literal "fever," but rather a set of psychological and physiological effects triggered by environmental changes.

Some potential causes of "spring fever" are:

  • Increased sunlight: The longer days and more sunshine can have a direct effect on mood and energy levels. More sunshine increases serotonin levels, which improves mood and mental clarity.

 What causes spring fever?

What causes spring fever?

  • Temperature changes: Warmer weather frequently inspires greater outside activities, resulting in a feeling of rejuvenation and exhilaration. This may help boost energy levels after months of being pent up in the winter.

  • Hormonal changes: As exposure to sunshine rises, the body creates more hormones such as serotonin and dopamine, which are associated with mood, energy, and motivation.

  • Biological clock adjustments: Spring's longer days can also affect the body's internal clock (circadian rhythms), making people feel more alert and aware.

How To Fight Spring Fever Disease?

If you find it challenging to deal with spring fever disease, then apply one of the following tips:

Move your body

With the regular temperature and weather changes, it's crucial to be outside as frequently as possible, even if you don't feel like it.

Build a regular workout program to assist in boosting your body's circulation and fight weariness.

 Build a workout program

Build a workout program

Change your diet

Feed your body with fresh and nutritious vegetables and fruits is another tip to fight against spring fever. 

During the winter, we consume more fat and less essential nutrients, so our vitamins are depleted before spring arrives. So if you want to boost your energy, eat brain food, which are meals high in nutrients that help your brain function.

Get fresh air

Take advantage of the longer days by getting plenty of fresh air and soaking up the sun. 

Try going for a walk first thing in the morning so that the hormone serotonin may be created early in the day, allowing you to modify your sleep-wake cycle.


Final Words

Because "spring fever disease" is more of a colloquial expression than a medical illness, its "symptoms" are usually tied to feelings and behaviors associated with the seasonal change from winter to spring. These might differ from person to person, however there are certain common symptoms that we stated previously. We've also discussed potential causes and how to fight them. Hope you find this post is helpful to you!

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