Summer Weather Prediction Contrasts Stridently Throughout Canada

Jan 28 2021 - Views: 2171
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Humidity and downpours can be expected in the Atlantic and Central areas, B.C. is looking forward to being “king of the heat’.  As per the latest long-range prediction from The Weather Network, this summer, the weather could be severely unusual all the way through Canada. Chief meteorologist Chris Scott forecasts the wet weather Quebec and Ontario have faced in May will carry on all through the summer and could result in a sharp risk of flash flooding in a number of regions.

Summer Weather Prediction Contrasts Stridently Throughout Canada

On the contrary, he is even predicting a lot more hot, dry weather for the majority of Western Canada, increasing the wildfire risk, which has, by now, provoked evacuations in northwestern Alberta.

“We look forward to the risk of wildfire to be sharp this summer,” said Scott.

He stated that, for wildfires, there will be an “above-normal season” for the majority of Yukon, the Northwest Territories, B.C., and western Alberta. However, Scott even said that, in general, this summer will not be remembered for its heat – apart from B.C. – which he noted was anticipated to be “the king of the heat this summer.”

Scott broke down the summer prediction area by area:

British Columbia

B.C. can look forward to a drier and hotter-than-normal summer that’ll bring a regular risk of wildfires. “We have already observed a few warm days and we expect the coming month overall will go on with that trend,” he said.

He even warned that the heat and lack of rain could be specifically hard on urban neighborhoods owing to the likelihood of water limitations.


Scott said his network is forecasting a little lower than standard precipitation for the Prairies, but not to the point where farmers are supposed to be worried about drought circumstances. “In terms of weather, Alberta has always the swing region,” he said. “We anticipate that to be the instance again this summer with it actually flipping between cool and warm based on the week.”

Atlantic Canada

The Atlantic region can look forward to “usually near-standard temperatures,” with a few above-average temperatures even predicted for the southern Maritimes because of humid aid moving into the area from the Great Lakes, Scott said.

Do not look forward to a lot of heat, but get ready for more humidity across the province in July and August, he said.

Ontario, Quebec

Scott forecasts seasonally cooler circumstances in northern Quebec and Ontario and “near-normal” temperatures in the southern regions of the state that jointly will amplify the possibility of rain.

He said there will be several heavy periods of rain in the southern part of the region that will go beyond the average precipitation levels of the region.

Northern Canada

Scott said to “look forward to an above-normal fire season as you head west of Yellowknife, particularly, and then into the Yukon.”

The network forecasts normal to a little warmer-than-average temperature extending to the Alaska border, with near-normal temperatures and precipitation prediction for Nunavut.

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