Weather Forecast: Severe weather season in Central Texas so far

May 06 2021 - Views: 638
Rate: 4.5 - 50Votes

Now, it is the middle of May that is considered the month having the most circumstances of severe weather in Central Texas. Luckily, we are almost halfway. 

At the beginning of March that starts our severe weather, there were much large hail with some distinct wind damage. Besides, the KXAN viewing area also did not record any tornadoes. 

Weather Forecast

Weather Forecast: Severe weather season in Central Texas so far

The number of watches released by the National Weather Service is one way to equate this year's extreme weather to previous years. When conditions are optimal for the occurrence of any kind of extreme weather, a "Watch" is given (tornadoes, hail, or wind).

The National Weather Service Austin/San Antonio prediction office, which is in charge of providing weather predictions of the majority of KXAN's viewing area, tweeted a running tally of a tornado and severe thunderstorm alerts for their coverage area.

Tornado Warnings

Since the beginning of 2021, four separate tornado warnings have been released in the region covered by NWS Austin/San Antonio.

In the last 17 years, NWS Austin/San Antonio has released an average of seven tornado warnings each year in collaboration with the Storm Prediction Center.

This places us just somewhat ahead of normal in terms of tornado warnings received so far.

Weather Forecast

National Weather Service graph

See also:

Severe Thunderstorm Watches

Since the beginning of the year, 11 separate severe thunderstorm warnings have been released in the region covered by NWS Austin/San Antonio.

In the last 17 years, NWS Austin/San Antonio has released an average of 14.7 severe thunderstorm warnings each year in collaboration with the Storm Prediction Center.

This places us in line with the year-to-date average for extreme thunderstorm warnings.

Weather Forecast

National Weather Service graph


The severe weather season in Central Texas lasts from March to early June, meaning the majority of the watches released in a calendar year fall within the first six months. There is a secondary extreme weather season in October and November, with some additional watches released in the past, although the majority occur earlier in the year. 

Stay tuned for GoWeather to get updated weather information.

Rate: 4.5 - 50Votes



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