Weather Shift Creates Favorable Conditions For Corn Diseases

Aug 24 2023 - Views: 486
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There might be a push for late-season crop diseases if the weather becomes wetter and colder.

Agronomist Matt Nelson of Channel Seed reports that below-average temperatures and more precipitation are being seen in certain Midwest states.

"That was last year. 

Northern corn leaf blight began to spread as soon as the tar spot got in. 

Something like a gray leaf spot, though we have seen it in some regions, is not something I would be as concerned about. 

I am aware that Goss's Wilt is becoming a little easier to locate throughout the state."

Weather shift favors corn diseases

Weather shift favors corn diseases

Nelson, who represents central Iowa, informs Brownfield farmers that they will need to handle situations individually.

"It's likely that tar spot and northern corn leaf blight will arrive later than expected. 

This raises the question of hybrid tolerance, but also, do we have any recently released fungicides that are still effective?" 

If not, we might have to consider applying more fungicides in the event that severe disease pressure begins to appear in this area during the following week.

While the chilly, rainy weather is conducive to disease development, Nelson notes that maize and soybeans will also benefit from the cooler temperatures after being stressed by the hot, dry weather in June and July. 

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