12 Best Summer Allergy Tips

Feb 12 2021 - Views: 680
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Winter is not yet to come, but you’re still sniffly and sneezing. Well, the truth is you can get allergies whatever seasons. A summer weather allergy occurs when the immune system identifies a substance in the environment that is harmful to the body. They will stimulate the body to release histamine, forming a series of allergic reactions in humans. In this article, we will list down 12 summer allergy tips. Let’s dive in!

Summer Allergy tips

Summer allergy tips from experts

Reasons for summer allergies

A lot of triggers are to blame for summer allergies. BY being aware of what they are, you can take steps to deal with them.


Late spring is the time trees are done with their pollen-fest. Pollen is one of the most common allergens. Pollen allergic reactions stemming from the immune system. Instead of identifying pollen as harmless particles when entering the body, the immune system sees it as a foreign object that must be destroyed. The reason, this misidentification is because the composition of pollen contains substances such as proteins, cellulose, pentose, dextrin, a phosphor that easily stimulates immune responses. Before diving into the best summer allergy tips, it’s important to know this key culprit.

Allergic pollen types are usually very small, usually less than 0.5mm. Pollen from plants, wind-pollinated plants, is more likely to cause allergies than other flowering plants. Pollen allergies usually don't cause serious health problems but are frustrating with immune system responses.

Summer Allergy tips

Summer allergy tips you should know

ch location has its own type of plant to blame, but the most likely plants that make you sneeze or sniffle are:


  • Ragweed

  • Russian thistle

  • Cockleweed

  • Sagebrush

  • Pigweed

  • Tumbleweed


  • Bermuda

  • Orchard

  • Timothy

  • Blue grasses

  • Red top

  • Sweet vernal


Your allergy symptoms can get worse due to summer air pollution. Summer’s strong sunlight and calm winds create clouds of ozone around some cities. One of the best summer allergy tips is stay inside when the pollen count and smog levels are high.


You may get allergic reactions like itching, swelling when critters sting. Even a run-in with them could cause a life-threatening situation If you have a severe allergy. Molds & Dust

Damp areas like the basement and bathrooms are breeding grounds for molds. They travel into the air and set off an allergic reaction.

Moreover, dust mites also peak during summer when the weather is warm and humid. Their nest includes beds, fabric, and carpets. Their residue can get into the air and set off sneezes, wheezes, and runny noses.

Allergies can spoil summer fun and vacations, but they can be prevented. The biggest culprits that cause allergy symptoms during the summer months are grass and weed pollen. 

Summer Allergy tips

Amazing summer allergy tips 

Best Summer Allergy Tips

#1. Wash your hands

You need to wash your hands in whatever season. This seems to be a simple but so effective way to remove  germs, prevent the spread of respiratory illness and the spread of germs to others. Make sure to regularly handwash, particularly before and after certain activities.

#2. Replace your mattress

When we lie on mattresses, dead skin cells, dust particles, sweat oils may seep into them. Just imagine the buildup over several years. How terrible!

One of the best summer allergy tips in maintaining good sleep conditions, along with replacing your mattress and pillows regularly.

As recommended by sleep experts, you should replace pillows every six months, and a mattress every five to 10 years, depending on its type and quality. 

Mattress and pillow protectors are also worth the investment to give an additional barrier between our bodies and nasty allergens.

#3. Nasal lavage

One of the best tips for summer allergy is nasal lavage using a neti pot or saline solution. It helps clear off the inside of the nose of pollen and other micro-particles before they can enter the bloodstream. You should do this twice a day in the morning and in the evening right before bedtime to keep your nose hygienic.

Summer Allergy tips

12 Best Summer Allergy Tips

#4. Eat more fruits and veggies

One of the best summer allergy tips is to eat more fruits and vegetables a day as they are believed to contain high amounts of vitamins C and E, which can ease swelling in the airways. According to a seven-year study of Spanish children, kids with allergic asthma who ate lots of fruits and veggies saw fewer symptoms than kids who didn’t.

#5. Eliminate dairy products

There should be an improvement in your allergy symptoms if you eliminate dairy products until allergy season is over. Why?

Commercial dairy products contain protein and beta-casein, which can exacerbate allergies. Hence, if you eliminate dairy products until allergy season is over, your allergy symptoms should see an improvement. 

#6. Try Indoor Workouts

When it comes to summer allergy tips, regular exercise should not be out of the list. It strengthens your immune system and improves blood flow in the body, thus decreasing allergy symptoms such as itchy eyes, runny nose.  A study from Thailand showed that 30-minute running can help allergy sufferers reduce 70% of their sneezing, runny nose, and nasal itching and congestion. 

Well, exercising outdoors in the sunshine sounds tempting, but think about pollen in the air. It is advisable to work out indoors during allergy season to lower your exposure to that trigger.

Summer Allergy tips

Summer allergy tips: Indoor workouts

#7. Keep your bedroom pollen-free

Pollen,  dust, pet hair and dander, or body oil are the most common causes of allergies. 

So, try to get less exposed to these allergy triggers as much as possible by removing used shocks and clothing before entering the bedroom. Wash your bed linens with hot water to remove any allergens accumulated. 

You should also vacuum for upholstered furniture, carpet, and fabric curtains at least once per week. Avoid leaving your windows open at night while you sleep to reduce pollen exposure. 

#8. Keep indoor air clean

While an air conditioner may be a godsend during summer months, it can blow dust everywhere, which can cause allergy. Therefore, one of summer allergy tips is keep indoor air clean by using a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter in your bedroom to keep your indoor air as clean as possible. Another thing to consider is keep the windows shut to prevent new allergens from sneaking in. 

Moreover, you can also improve indoor air quality with aloe or English ivy or other air-cleaning houseplants, which breathe in toxins and breathe out fresh oxygen.

#9. Change your laundry routine

Dry laundry outdoors during summer just makes sense, but chances are floating pollen in the air will attach itself to your clothing and bedding. 

Dry laundry indoors is highly recommended. Try to use natural, unscented cleaners or laundry soap to reduce chemical load. 

Avoiding products that have strong noxious odors is also one of the most summer allergy tips. A 2009 study by Caress and Anne Steinenmann found that nearly a third of people with asthma also have chemical hypersensitivity, and more than a third reported irritation from scented products. 

Summer Allergy tips

Best summer allergy tips you may not know

#10. Reduce summer stress

Stress and tension can also be one source of inflammation. When you’re under stress, the body will release several chemicals such as histamine, which makes an allergic reaction worse. One of the best ways to beat them is to meditate or participate in activities. Not only will it help you deal with summer allergies, but helps build your immune system.

#11. Fight humidity

If you live in a rainy, humid environment, a dehumidifier is necessary to suck out some of the moisture and make it less of a breeding ground for mold, dust mites, and bacteria. 

The too-dry conditions can be equally problematic, resulting in sore throats, itchy skin, itchy eyes, and even increasing the risk of sinus infections. In these conditions, using a cool-mist or ultrasonic humidifier is one of the best summer allergy tips to achieve the right balance.

#12. Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is one of the best tips for summer allergy that helps flush out pollen and other foreign substances that circulate in our bodies. As recommended by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), men should drink at least 104 ounces of water per day and women should drink at least 72 ounces. 

Summer Allergy tips

Staying hydrated is one of the best summer allergy tips 


A weather allergy is a common illness that anyone can get. The disease causes unpleasant itchy symptoms on the skin that adversely affect life. Its complications, superinfection are very dangerous. We hope those 12 Best Summer Allergy Tips   will help you keep allergies under control. If you see the symptoms of the disease get worse, you must immediately see your doctor have the most effective way to treat allergy.

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