How to Stay Fit in Winter? 10+ Useful Tips to Stay Warm & Stay Safe

Mar 17 2021 - Views: 619
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Sticking to an exercise plan in the winter months can be a challenge. With a winter chill in the air, it's hard to motivate people to go outside or walk to the gym. Many may feel lost when it comes to keeping in shape as winter sets in. Thus, below is how to stay fit in winter you should follow. Discover useful tips now!

 How to stay healthy and fit during winter?

How to stay healthy and fit during winter?

How to Stay Fit in Winter?

"When exercising outdoors in the winter, your body burns more calories since it uses more energy to keep warm and sustain activity," explains Jasmin Theard, ACSM HFS, an exercise physiologist at Piedmont Atlanta Fitness Center. 

"It's refreshing, plus you'll get some clean air, vitamin D, and a change of scenery."

Follow these recommendations on how to stay in shape in winter, and you'll be a more fit person by the time the weather warms up.

Pick a suitable activity

 Select an activity that works for you

Select an activity that works for you

Choose the workout and activity that are motivating enough to keep doing consistently.

Some go for running, others prefer soccer or climbing. As recommended by experts, you should ideally do both aerobic activity and strength training for the best results.

After choosing your workout, you should set goals and work to accomplish them.

Bring fitness indoors

If you are afraid to go out for a jog or go to the gym, you can switch to a home workout routine like doing yoga or biking. These will help you maintain flexibility, burn excess fat, and boost your immune system to combat diseases in winter.

 Do an indoor workout in winter

Do an indoor workout in winter

If you have limited space, try indoor aerobic routines following YouTube videos. You can also incorporate weights, a skipping rope, or a stability ball into a great full-body workout.

A tip on how to stay fit in winter is to mix some resistance training with some high-intensity cardio for the best fat-burning workouts. 

Find a partner

Enlist your friends and family as exercise partners. Then, set a date to meet a friend at the gym, and you'll be far more likely to stick to it. 

 Get a partner to exercise with you

Get a partner to exercise with you

Consider going on an exercise date instead of seeing a buddy for lunch or coffee. You might meet in the mall for a quick walk and some window shopping. Take a dancing or yoga lesson with a friend to push yourself beyond your comfort zone. 

That way, exercise may be more sociable and enjoyable.

Consume vitamin D

Regarding how to stay healthy in the winter, it is advisable to increase the intake of vitamin D boosting vitamin D. A 2014 study reveals that increasing vitamin D levels in the blood may help decrease body fat and aid weight loss. 

 Take more vitamin D in winter

Take more vitamin D in winter

So, it is great to boost vitamin D by doing exercises or eating food that is rich in vitamin D, such as egg yolk, red meat, soybeans, etc.

Do some chores

When winter weather prevents you from going outside, find ways to be physically active indoors. Housework like sweeping, vacuuming, and cleaning contribute to your physical activity objectives. 

You'll also be able to complete some tasks on your to-do list while benefiting your health. Walking or sprinting up and down stairs at home may provide excellent exercise as well.

 Do some chores to stay active

Do some chores to stay active

Stay hydrated

It’s important to stay hydrated and drink water on a daily basis, although you may not feel as thirsty. 

If you are working to get fit and exercise on a daily basis, water is essential for optimal health. So remember to drink water before, during, and after an outdoor workout.

Check the weather

Before heading outdoors for exercise, always check the weather to stay safe and comfortable. Winter conditions like snow, ice, and freezing temperatures can pose risks, so plan your activities during the warmest parts of the day.

A little preparation ensures you can stay consistent with your fitness routine, no matter the forecast.

Check the weather at GoWeather 

For the most precise forecast, you can head over to GoWeather - which is available as a free mobile app and an online website. 

Within a few clicks, you will have all the necessary weather information, including weather forecasts for today, tomorrow, the next 3 days, 5 days, 7 days, and 10 days weather forecast in your locality or any other area in the world.

Avoid alcohol

Alcohol is loaded with calories. 

Since "many holiday celebrations involve drinking, it's easy to take in a lot of calories without being aware that you are," says Scott Isaacs, MD, clinical instructor of medicine at Emory University and medical director at Intelligent Health Center. 

 Avoid alcohol

Avoid alcohol

For the best result, drink a glass of water or a diet soda before and after each alcoholic beverage to help pace yourself and dilute calories.

Alternatively, go for hot tea, water, or smoky coffee to stay warm. It is among the cold weather tips that you should keep in mind.

Wear layers

Wear many layers of comfortable clothes so that you may readily remove items once you warm up. 

Layers will help you avoid overheating, sweating, and, finally, being chilly. It is also one of the effective tips to stay warm in cold weather.

 Dress in layers

Dress in layers

Furthermore, while you may be tempted to remove clothing quickly upon returning inside, allow your body time to adjust. Unless you are wet, wait 10 to 15 minutes before changing into another outfit. 

Hire a personal trainer

During the winter months, it would be helpful if you hire a personal trainer. They may keep you motivated to get to the gym and push you safely through a workout even when you might not be interested in it.

Focus on mental health

 Mental health is also important

Mental health is also important

Exercise in winter does more than keep you fit—it’s a mood booster that helps combat seasonal blues. Physical activity releases endorphins, reduces stress, and improves overall mental health. 

Whether it’s an indoor workout or a brisk walk outdoors, staying active can help you feel energized and positive despite the cold and darkness.

Why Do We Gain Weights in the Winter?

It’s no surprise that many people easily gain weight during winter. Many factors trigger weight gain, ranging from lack of vitamin D to body temperature. Take a look at the most common ones.

Midnight hunger

 Midnight hunger is a major reason

Midnight hunger is a major reason

In winter,  the drop in blood sugar makes us crave fat more than usual. Many people tend to take more calories and fatty meals at dinner or before bedtime.

So, if you do not know how to control your eating habits to compensate for inactivity, you may have an excess of calories, leading to more weight gain.

Too much sleep

When the cold takes over, and the sun starts setting at 4 p.m., all you want to do sometimes is curl up in a warm blanket. Thus, how to keep fit in the winter becomes one of the most concerning questions. 

People tend to sleep a lot, causing the amount of the hormone leptin in your body to decrease. Meanwhile, hormones work to regulate appetite, control metabolism, and burn excess fat. This leads to increased weight during winter.

Lack of Vitamin D

 Lack of Vitamin D in winter

Lack of Vitamin D in winter

That lack of vitamin D is associated with weight gain. In the summer months, vitamin D is synthesized at about 90% because of the sun's rays, but this rate is very low in the winter.

Less water intake 

Another reason for weight gain in the winter months is due to not drinking water. The water becomes unwillingly cold; Hence, it prevents us from drinking it. 

But low water consumption does not only cause weight gain, it also causes fatigue and carelessness.

Lack of exercises

How to stay healthy during winter season if you are too lazy to do exercises. One of the main reasons for weight gain is the lack of exercise. A lack of physical activity causes fat to accumulate more.

 Lack of exercise in cold weather

Lack of exercise in cold weather

"The human body is mechanically and biologically designed to move and use as much as possible," said Gil Amsellem, a physiotherapist. Physical activity doesn't lose weight, but it does help stabilize it. Fat can be reduced without losing weight.


There is no need to hibernate during the winter! It is possible to remain active and exercise. Experts recommend that you exercise for at least 30 minutes five days a week. How to stay fit in the winter? Do you have other tips that weren't mentioned here? Leave a comment below and let us know!

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