Nail Care Tips for Summer to Make Your Manicure Stand Out This Summer

Mar 18 2021 - Views: 963
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Summer is a great time to enjoy outdoor activities, go to the beaches and pools, and more. Besides having perfect hairstyles for warm weather, dressing in trendy outfits, etc., you must also take care of your nails. Check out this post for some practical nail care tips for summer, including how to have healthy, beautiful nails during hot days.

 Summer nail care tips at home

Summer nail care tips at home

Avoid Spending Long Hours Under Direct Sunlight

We all know that too much sun can harm our skin. That's why we need to be aware of some summer skin care tips. It happens to your nails as well. UV exposure can also damage your manicure, fading and even ruining it. 

So, do not spend too much time in the sun. If you intend to spend a lot of time outside, it's best to apply a protective coating to the nails.

 You should not spend long hours under direct sunlight

You should not spend long hours under direct sunlight

Keep Your Nails Hydrated

One of the most crucial summer nail care tips is to keep your nails hydrated. Like your hair and skin, your nails also need moisture to prevent peeling and cracking. 

However, many people think that soaking their nails in water helps hydrate them–it is not true. Instead, soaking nails in water removes important oils and makes them dry out. 

Besides, exposure to chemicals such as household cleaners, chlorine, or alcohol-based sanitizers can dehydrate skin and nails.

For the best result, you should moisturize your hands and nails by applying lotions or hand creams right after swimming or soaking in water to add natural oils to your nails. Also, remember to wear rubber gloves when you clean with chemicals. 

 It’s essential to moisturize your nails

It’s essential to moisturize your nails

You should also remember that your cuticles need to be hydrated. As cuticles protect the nails from bacteria, you should care for them as well.

Dehydrated cuticles can result in unsightly and painful hangnails; therefore, it's necessary to apply cuticle oil or softener to keep them moisturized.

Maintain Proper Length

How to take care of nails naturally in summer? Pay attention to the length of your nails and maintain the proper length. 

Your nails grow quicker in summer than in winter. So, it's essential to check the length of your nails, particularly the toenails that might cause problems when you wear your summer sandals.

Frequently trimming your nails can help speed their growth. Also, keeping them short (not too short) can benefit healthy, strong nails. Shorter nails, of course, have fewer edges, which can get broken during summer activities. 

 Nails grow quicker in warmer weather

Nails grow quicker in warmer weather

Keep Your Nails Protected

We spend a lot of time slathering on products that help protect the skin and hair from the harmful effects of sun rays. So, why don't we do the same for our nails? You can wear topcoats featuring UV protection for your nails, either on their own or over your favorite nail color. 

In fact, UV rays harm and dry your nails, and overexposure to them is also not good. Once again, remember to wear rubber gloves when cleaning with chemicals. 

You also need to pull on gloves while gardening to protect your cuticles from drying out due to soil. 

 Keep your nails protected

Keep your nails protected

Maintain A Healthy Diet

Like the rest of our body, our nails are influenced by the food we take. Your mani-pedi may not look as well if you're dehydrated or if you don't have enough specific vitamins and nutrients. 

Ensure you stay hydrated this summer by drinking at least 2.5 liters of water daily. Besides, try to eat a diet high in calcium-rich foods, including dairy products, meat, fish, shellfish, cheese, and yogurt. 

Tofu, leafy green vegetables, and dried fruits are suitable choices if you adhere to a certain diet, such as a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle. 

If you don't think your diet provides enough vitamins and minerals, ask your doctor about taking daily vitamins or certain dietary supplements. 

 You should maintain a healthy diet

You should maintain a healthy diet

Give Your Nails A Break

Giving your mani-pedi a rest every now and then during the warmer months is among the best nail care tips for summer. Polish may worsen the problem because your nails are porous and can become discolored and break easily in the summer sun. 

Thus, remove your nail polish one day before repainting to allow them to breathe and prevent damage. 

If flawlessly manicured nails are essential to you, apply a good UV-protectant topcoat after two coats of a strong base coat over your preferred color. Once your set has dried, massage a healthy SPF-containing oil or moisturizer into your skin.

 Give your nails a break

Give your nails a break

Embrace Self-Care

Nail care is a part of more general self-care. Make sure you schedule time for self-care and relaxation. Discover what refreshes you and include it into your routine—reading a book, going on a spa day, or just taking a peaceful stroll. 

Remember that a healthy body and nails are frequently reflected in a calm mind.

You can find helpful beauty tips in our blog:

Regular Maintenance

A long-lasting manicure requires routine upkeep. For this reason, schedule routine sessions with your nail technician so that you may address any concerns like lifting or chipping and receive touch-ups. 

Additionally, a specialist can offer treatments that maintain and strengthen your nails.

You can see a professional nail technician

You can see a professional nail technician


These are simple but essential nail care tips for summer. In fact, it's not hard to protect and take care of your nails in the summertime. As long as you pay enough attention to the health of your nails, they will be stronger, healthier, and prettier. The more you care about them, the more beautiful they will be!

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