10+ Practical Cold Weather Tips to Stay Warm & Healthy This Season

Mar 05 2021 - Views: 681
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As low temperatures envelop your areas, taking cold weather tips is essential to avoid injury and stay safe. Hence, take your time and read the tips we will provide. You can prevent frostbite cold-weather dangers and stay safe during freezing days as well. Let’s get started!

 Cold weather health and safety tips

Cold weather health and safety tips

Common Winter Illness

Before finding some cold weather tips to protect your health, you must know some common winter problems. These diseases are easily got; therefore, you need to take notice before jumping to avoid them.

You can find the details in our “Winter season diseases guide.”

Common Cold

This illness is caused by a viral infection. Its symptoms are nasal congestion, sore throat, cough, headache, and sometimes a low-grade fever. It lasts 3-5 days.


It is more severe than the common cold because it usually comes on quickly with high fever, cough, sore throat, headache, and body aches and pains. Moreover, the fever can last up to 5 days.


It is also a common viral respiratory infection caused by many different viruses, but the RSV virus is the main one. Symptoms of this disease include nasal congestion, cough, low-grade fevers, and wheezing.

Strep Throat

It is the most common disease in school-aged children in cold weather. The patient will have a sore throat, headache, and stomachache. For weaker people, they can experience a high fever or vomiting.


Also known as the winter vomiting bug, norovirus is a highly infectious stomach bug. Vomiting symptoms usually last 1-2 days, but some disease symptoms can last up to one week.

Cold Weather Tips for Health

Although not all winter illnesses are dangerous and challenging to treat, they still cause us trouble. Here are essential tips to stay safe and healthy during freezing days. 

Check the weather forecast

Checking the weather forecast before going out helps you know what the weather is like today.

Visit the website https://goweatherforecast.com/ on your laptop or smartphone to check the weather, wind speed, UV index, and other metrics. You can also download the app on your smartphone; it is totally free. 

Watching weather programs on TV and radio is also ideal. 

Checking the forecast should be part of your regular routine so you can get an idea of when to expect cold weather. 

 Check the weather prediction frequently

Check the weather prediction frequently

Prepare contingency plans

Developing a safety plan is one of the best tips for cold weather. You should address safety concerns when it's freezing or when the wind chill is significant. 

For example, you watch the weather news and know tomorrow will be a bleak midwinter with biting wind. At that time, consider changing your date or organizing your work so you do not have to go out tomorrow. 

In some bad weather conditions, schools could hold recess indoors, outside workers could schedule warm-up breaks, and even students could be allowed to be off school due to severe weather. 

Dress warmly

 Dress warmly during the winter

Dress warmly during the winter

Knowing how to dress for cold weather is necessary with the low temperature outside. The layers of clothes should fit loosely because tight clothing reduces blood circulation, and warm blood needs to be circulated to the extremities. 

You should also wear cold weather accessories like a hat and earmuffs to cover your face and ears. If you go out for a long time without protection, your ears will be vulnerable, which can lead to hypothermia. A face mask is a good idea.

If you work outside, such as a mail carrier, construction worker, or power-line technician, you will need to wear gloves and boots. 

Leather blocks the wind very well, so you should choose products made of this material. Insulated, water-resistant boots are suitable for keeping your feet and body warm.

Stay dry

In the winter, in addition to cold weather outfits, staying dry is also one of the best cold weather safety tips. 

Wet or damp clothing not only makes you uncomfortable but can also drop your body temperature quickly. Even if you don't get wet from the environment, you can sweat through your clothes while hard working, which is dangerous in cold weather. 

 Try to stay dry in the winter

Try to stay dry in the winter

Appropriate clothing requires a moisture-wicking base layer, waterproof material, or cotton, depending on your daily jobs. When you get wet, remove any wet clothing immediately to avoid hypothermia. 

Drink hot beverage

Drinking hot water, tea, or smoky coffee in cold weather is perfect for keeping you warm inside and fighting cold-induced lethargy.

A little bit of wine is also good. However, drinking too much alcohol can cause a stroke. 

The reason is that when drinking alcohol, blood vessels dilate, the temperature is very low, it is cold, the vessels suddenly contract, and blood pressure quickly increases, causing complications and death. 

 Drink hot beverages such as different types of tea, coffee, or hot water

Drink hot beverages such as different types of tea, coffee, or hot water

Avoid exertion

Cold weather is hazardous if you have heart disease or high blood pressure, as it puts an extra strain on the heart. 

So, the best approach is to follow your doctor’s advice about shoveling snow or performing other hard work in the cold. If you have no choice but to do heavy outdoor chores, remember to dress warmly and work slowly. 

Avoid ice

It is hazardous to walk on ice. Many cold-weather injuries are reported to come from falls on ice-covered sidewalks and steps. 

One of the best cold-weather tips is to use rock salt, sand, or another chemical de-icing compound to keep your walkways as ice-free as possible.

Additional Safety Cold Weather Tips

Cold Weather Tips for Traveling

 Cold weather tips when traveling

Cold weather tips when traveling

If you have to go out during the winter, keep the following advice in mind to be safe:

  • Listen for radio or television reports of travel advisories the National Weather Service issued.

  • Remember to use tire chains if you must travel by car and take a mobile phone with you.

  • Let someone know your destination and when you expect to arrive. If you’re late, ask them to notify authorities.

  • Before you leave, check the winter emergency supplies in your car, including your battery, fluids, and tires. This is especially essential for cold-weather tips.

  • Never pour water on your windshield. 

  • Always bring additional warm clothing for the winter conditions.

Cold Weather Tips for Pets

 Safety tips for your pets

Safety tips for your pets

Pets can experience many discomforts, from chapped paws to itchy, flaky skin and from winter's dry, cold air to chilly rain, sleet, and snow. Winter walks can turn dangerous if chemicals from ice-melting agents are licked off bare paws. 

Check out these cold weather safety tips for pet owners to help avoid the risks of cold weather harming your pet's health:

  • Keep pets inside 

  • Provide shelter and freshwater 

  • Keep salt away from paws

  • Never wholly shave your dog in the winter

  • Bathe your pets as little as possible

  • Give your pet a little more to eat during the winter

  • Ensure your pets have a safe and warm place to sleep


Cold conditions are uncomfortable and can cause many health-related problems. Therefore, these cold weather tips will help you stay safe during the hard winter. You should also exercise regularly to have a healthy body and overcome some widespread winter diseases.

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