Tips for Exercising in Cold Weather: 9 Keys to Stay Active Outdoors

Feb 19 2021 - Views: 822
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The benefits of exercising in winter are undeniable but not many people know safety tips for exercising in cold weather. In fact, there is a good excuse for us to curl up with a blanket and refuse to head outside - Cold weather. But don’t let cold weather spell the end of your fitness routine. Find 9 helpful pieces of advice below to stay fit and warm!

How to exercise in cold weather?

How to exercise in cold weather?

Exercise is safe for almost everyone in any weather. However, if you have certain conditions, such as asthma or heart problems, make sure to visit your doctor first to review any special precautions based on your medications.

The following tips for exercising in the cold can help you stay safe and warm while working outside.

Check Weather Conditions 

First, it’s essential to check the weather online before going outside. Check the temperature, wind, moisture, and time you'll be outside for a safe cold-weather workout.

It’s unsafe to exercise outdoors under the wind chill, as the wind can penetrate your clothes and remove the insulating layer of warm air, making exposed skin vulnerable to frostbite.

 Practical tips for working out in the cold

Practical tips for working out in the cold

The falling wind chill increases the risk of frostbite. Frostbite can occur in 30 minutes or less at wind chill levels below minus 18°F (—28°C). 

If the temperature drops below 0°F (-18°C), the wind chill is extreme, or it’s raining, you should put off your outdoor workout. Instead, choose an indoor exercise to keep you safe.

Know Warning Signs of Frostbite and Hypothermia

Frostbite occurs when extremely cold temperatures damage exposed skin. Its early warning signs are numbness and loss of feeling. 

Regarding tips for exercising in cold weather, you need to get out of the cold and warm the affected area if frostbite is suspected. Avoid rubbing it so as not to damage your skin. 

Discover how to take care of yourself in the cold season: Winter skin care tips

Be aware of frostbite and hypothermia

Be aware of frostbite and hypothermia

Meanwhile, hypothermia is an abnormal condition in which the body temperature suddenly drops below normal. This could be due to prolonged exposure to cold temperatures. 

Exercising in cold weather increases the risk of hypothermia, especially for older adults and young children. 

Some common Hypothermia signs and symptoms include intense shivering, memory loss, exhaustion, loss of coordination, etc.

Dress In Layers

Exercising generates enough heat to make you feel much warmer than you really are. However, sweat evaporation pulls heat from your body, and you feel chilled. 

So, how to dress for cold weather? Instead of dressing too warmly, you should dress in layers. This is one of the best tips for cold weather exercise as it allows you to remove layers when you start to sweat and then dress back as needed. 

 Explore excellent tips for exercising in cold weather

Explore excellent tips for exercising in cold weather

The first layer should be thin and made of synthetic material to draw sweat away from your body. Never wear cotton as it keeps wet next to your skin.

Next, add a layer of fleece or wool for insulation. Finally, put on a waterproof, breathable outer layer. Based on your exercise intensity, choose the right combination of clothing. 

Breathe Right

If your heart rate rises when the temperatures drop, you may feel more challenging to breathe than when you’re working out in warmer conditions. 

Breathing in through your nose helps warm and humidify air, but it’s not good when you breathe heavily. 

How to breathe while working out in winter?

How to breathe while working out in winter?

Best cold weather exercise tips from experts suggest that wrapping a scarf around your mouth will help trap water vapor when you breathe out to keep the air moist when you continue to breathe.

Keep Your Extremities Protected 

In cold weather, your head, hands, and feet are easily vulnerable to frostbite as blood flow is concentrated in your body's core. 

Good tips for working out in cold weather include wearing mittens or gloves made of wicking material and investing in exercise shoes that are half size or one size larger to allow for thick thermal socks. 

You should also consider the design of your shoes. Choose ones that are specially designed to withstand the winter elements.

 What are tips for exercising in cold weather?

What are tips for exercising in cold weather?

Remember to wear a hat, a headband to protect your head, and a scarf to cover your neck. All these cold weather accessories should be wool or synthetic instead of cotton to help keep sweat off. 

Protect Your Skin 

Cold temperatures can leave your skin dried out. 

Hence, drink a lot of water (about eight 8-ounce glasses per day) and apply moisturizing cream or lotion to sensitive areas like the tip of the nose and ears.

Cover your face with a running mask or scarf to block out biting winds. 

Don’t forget to wear sunscreen! This is one of the most valuable tips for exercising in the cold. 

Many people misunderstand that cold weather comes with no UVA and UVB rays. This is wrong! You can easily get sunburned in winter, especially if you exercise at high altitudes. 

Wear Safety Gear 

 Tips for working out in the cold

Tips for working out in the cold

In addition to cold weather workout clothes, you should be armed with safe and appropriate gear for each activity. 

Pick footwear with enough traction to prevent you from falling. Wear a helmet if you go snowboarding or snowmobiling.

You can also use chemical heat packs to warm up your hands or feet.

Drink Enough Water

Hydration is crucial when it comes to cold-weather exercise tips. Drink water before, during, and after your workout to prevent dehydration from sweating and breathing. 

Even if you don’t feel as thirsty during cold-weather workouts, don’t forget to drink water. It is one of the most valuable tips from experts. 

 Don’t forget to drink enough water

Don’t forget to drink enough water

Warm Up and Stretching

Another cold-weather exercise tip is stretching. Your muscles tend to tighten in cold weather, making them more prone to injury. Try light walking to get blood flowing throughout your body and loosen your muscles. 


Are those pieces of advice helpful to you? To help prevent unexpected injuries, keep a close eye on how your body feels while exercising. Furthermore, shorten or skip your outdoor workout during weather extremes. Apply these tips for exercising in cold weather from now on to be healthy!

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