Weather Update: Everything You Should Take a Look at [Update]

Dec 09 2024 - Views: 102
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What do you expect to get from a weather update? How to interpret a weather forecast? Well, you all probably consult your local weather forecast on a daily basis. But do we fully understand what the information presented to us means? In this article, we are going to explain some basic weather variables. 

 About weather update

About weather update

Where to Get a Weather Update?

You can tune in to a wide range of different websites to get updated weather conditions. These days, you’ll never be more than a few keystrokes away from a local 5-day or even 10-day forecast.

The list of the best free weather forecast apps and websites would only be complete with mentioning GoWeather 

This website has been trusted by thousands of people all over the world. It features a clean and user-friendly interface with some key information clearly displayed in the form of short text and symbols. 

 Visit GoWeather to get weather update

 Visit GoWeather to get weather update

It is easy to read the weather forecast on the site. Symbols like sunshine or lightning are self-explanatory. Note the chance of rain, which is given as a percentage. The closer the figure is to 100%, the higher the chance of rain. 

Other information you can get from this site is hourly, 5-day, and 7-day weather forecasts. This will help you decide what to wear or whether or not you should change your plans.

Weather Elements to Look at

Air Temperature

When it comes to forecast weather, the first condition we think about is air temperature. A 4-hour calendar day full day's forecast always shows daytime high and nighttime low temperatures.

 Check the air temperature

Check the air temperature

Being aware of what time of day reaches the max and min temperatures is also important. As a rule of thumb, the high is expected to happen near 3 or 4 o'clock local time, and the low is expected to be near sunrise the following day. 

Chance of Precipitation

Precipitation is one of the key weather conditions. But do you know what exactly the phrase “chance of precipitation” means in the weather update? It tells you the probability a location will see measurable precipitation (at least 0.01 inch) during a specified time period.

 What does the chance of rain mean?

What does the chance of rain mean?

Sky Conditions 

Sky conditions tell you how the sky will look throughout the day's entirety. You might think this is a frivolous weather observation, but clouds have impacts on the air temperature. 

They determine the amount of the sun's energy reaching the Earth's surface to heat it during the day, and the absorbed heat is released from the surface back into space at night.

For example, thick stratus clouds block sun rays, while wispy cirrus clouds allow heat to penetrate and warm the atmosphere. 

 Sky conditions

Sky conditions 


A good weather update should include the speed and direction of where winds are blowing from. You may find a forecast with wind speed not being mentioned, but descriptive words to suggest it. 

If you see these terms, here's how to interpret how fast that is:

Wind Intensity

Wind Speed


0 mph


5 mph or less


5-15 mph

Breezy (if mild weather). Brisk (if cold weather)

15-25 mph


25-35 mph


40+ mph


We can easily assess whether the weather is settling down or storms are brewing based on the information about pressure. 

Specifically, if the pressure is more than 1031 millibars (30.00 inches of mercury), that means the weather is settling. If the pressure drops to 1000 millibars, then rain may be approaching.

 Get weather update about air pressure 

Get weather update about air pressure 


Don’t mistake dewpoint for air temperature though they have something in common. It doesn’t tell you how warm or cool air feels, but what temperature air needs to be cooled in order for it to become saturated. 

There are two important things about dewpoint you should look at.

  • It will never be higher than the current air temperature.

  • Dewpoint equaling the current air temperature means that the air is saturated and humidity is 100%.

 About dew point

About dew point


Another weather variable in the weather update that you should not ignore is relative humidity (RH).

It tells the probability of precipitation, dew, or fog. (The closer RH is to 100%, the more likely precipitation is). You also need to care about humidity during hot weather. Due to the ability to make air temperatures feel much hotter than they actually are, high humidity can cause discomfort.

 What is today’s humidity?

What is today’s humidity?

Download Weather App to Get Weather Update

Apart from visiting reliable sites to check weather online, you can also download a weather app to do this anytime you want.

GoWeather is one of the most highly appreciated weather apps that give you important weather conditions, and hourly and 7-day weather forecasts. Using it, you can know whether you should bring an umbrella or nt, and plan your trip without any worries. 

The app also updates information on what bad weather events are expected to happen, weather alerts, and weather warnings. This is just crucial to take some necessary precautions.

 GoWeather app

 GoWeather app

If the app does not automatically update the weather information, you can  try the three following ways:

  • Updating the Weather app

  • Enabling Location access

  • Switching to another network


Whether it’s from your phone, your laptop, or on the radio, you can now get a weather update from more sources than ever. As a result, it’s important to be aware of what is included in a forecast. We hope that, with the explanation of weather variables, you can fully understand what a weather forecast tells you.

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