10 Crucial Wet Weather Driving Tips

Jun 03 2021 - Views: 1127
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Driving in rain, whether a sprinkle or a heavy shower, can be one of the most challenging situations every driver encounters. Here are our 10 crucial wet weather driving tips that will contribute to lower accident rates staying safe in adverse conditions.

wet weather driving tips

Wet weather driving tips you should know

Tips for Driving in the Rain

Here are 10 important wet weather driving tips to bear in mind for a safe trip:

In heavy rain or snow, stop driving

If you feel driving in the rain or snow is uncomfortable, then just stop and wait until the weather changes better before driving. There is no reason to put yourself at risk if it’s not really necessary to drive in wet weather. In the bad case that you can’t find to stop at a rest area, one of the most helpful tips for driving on snow and ice is to pick a safe spot to pull off, turn on your headlights and hazard warning lights to alert other drivers.

Double Check Your Car’s Equipment 

Before encountering rainy weather, you should check your car’s equipment such as headlights, taillights, and windshield wipers to ensure that they will work in order efficiently when needed. Also, check how deteriorated your vehicle’s tires are to lessen the chances of traction on wet roadways

Slow Down 

Wet roads are very dangerous, so you always need to be cautious in wet weather. 

One of the most important wet weather driving tips is reducing your speed. You should not only adhere to the required speed limit when driving in wet weather conditions but also drive significantly slower than normal. 

wet weather driving tips

Slowing down is one of the key wet weather driving tips

Use Your Windshield Wipers

While turning windshield wipers in light rain may seem like common sense, some people forget to do this. A windshield wiper helps clear moisture from the glass to increase driver visibility. Also, you can also use other several products that can be sprayed or wiped onto the glass to defer the collection of rainwater

Maintain a Safe Distance Between Cars 

Keep a greater distance between your vehicle and the car in front of you. Stopping your vehicle will be more difficult when driving in the rain. Maintain a distance of several car lengths between your car and other vehicles. This is also one of the most worthy wet weather driving tips

Avoid sudden Braking 

Take your foot off the accelerator earlier than normal to slow your vehicle. Avoid using cruise control so that you can pay all attention to both the gas and brake. This is also one of the best tips for driving on snow and ice.

wet weather driving tips

Wet Weather Driving Tips: Avoid braking

Turn On Your Headlights 

You are advised to turn on their vehicles’ lights while driving in rain. This will increase not only your own visibility but also other drivers’ ability to see your car on the road.

Watch Out For Standing Water 

Try not to drive through standing water if you can as this can cause hydroplaning to occur. Drive slowly and steadily so that you can change lanes or steer around places where water has been collected. 

Handle Hydroplaning 

Hydroplaning causes drivers to lose control, which may lead to car accidents. Out of the best wet weather driving tips, letting off the gas when hydroplaning is noteworthy. 

If you feel your car is sliding a little bit, just take your foot off the gas pedal. Remember, do not make sudden turns or hit your brakes. The car then will slow and can get the grip on the road. 

Ventilate Your Car 

Rain and snow are usually associated with higher levels of humidity. Your vehicle’s windows and the windshield can be foggy when you drive in the rain. Most cars’ ventilation systems are designed with a function to reduce the fog. When it comes to tips for driving on snow and ice, we suggest you pull over at a safe place. 

wet weather driving tips

Important wet weather driving tips for drivers

Keep an eagle eye out for pedestrians and cyclists

One of the key wet weather driving tips is to keep an eye on pedestrians and cyclists. On rainy days, the visual and audio cues for measuring car distances are usually obscured or limited. Pedestrians may rush across the street without looking around. So, you, as a driver should be on the lookout for pedestrians to avoid accidents 

Avoid large puddles

Potholes filled with water are a threat to drivers on rainy days. Your car’s internal electrical systems and rim could be damaged by water splashing. Don’t try to go across it if you can’t gauge the depth. If you have no choice, gently tap the brake pedal to dry some water on the rotor after then. 

Traction and stability control are helpful on wet roads

Traction control plays an important role in maintaining grip by putting the brakes on the tires. it prevents your car from slipping on wet pavement and maintaining your control when accelerating in the rain.

Keep your tires inflated properly

Wet weather driving tips are undoubtedly crucial to stay safe. One of which is to check your car’s tires to make sure they are in good nick and inflated properly. Think about replacing worn tires. If you have any doubts about the performance of the tire in wet weather, have an NRMA mechanic assess them.

It’s also important to replace the damaged blades before you’re caught in a deluge. 

wet weather driving tips

Wet weather driving tips

Avoid aquaplaning

Here are important things to bear in mind for hydroplaning prevention:

  • Ensure your tires are in good condition and have adequate tread depth

  • Reduce your speed. If you find your vehicle hydroplaning, don’t brake suddenly as you may skid. Instead, take your foot off the accelerator. 

You can brake normally if your car has anti-lock brakes (ABS). If it doesn’t, light pumping actions should be used. 

Why should you reduce speed when driving on wet roads?

Driving in wet weather increases stopping distances and reduces your visibility. It only takes six inches of fast-flowing water to knock you off your feet, and one foot of water to float a car. 

Therefore, to give you more space to stop and stay safe, you need to drop your speed on wet roads. This is also one of the most recommended wet weather driving tips.

How fast should I drive in the rain?

Your speed should be reduced by 1/3 on wet roads and by 1/2 on snow roads. For example, if you normally commute at a speed of 60 mph, then on a wet road you should drop your speed to 40 mph, and to 30 mph on a snow-packed road.

wet weather driving tips

Learn wet weather driving tips to stay safe


Extra precautions may help calm the anxiety and reduce accident rates associated with driving in the rain. So, equipped yourself with those 10 crucial wet weather driving tips to reduce the chances of an accident.

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