What Helps Foot Odor? Easy & Simple Tip to Get Rid of Smelly Feet

Nov 25 2024 - Views: 121
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Foot odor is a very common problem. But, of course, smelly feet are never a pleasant thing. It can be more than a nuisance or even a source of embarrassment. So, what helps foot odor? Here are some big suggestions for you!” to know easy ways to stop this problem.

 What helps get rid of foot odor?

What helps get rid of foot odor?

What Causes Foot Odor 

Foot odor or smelly feet are medically known as bromodosis. Bacteria, sweat, and fungus are the main causes of most cases of foot odor. 


Trapped sweat is the major cause of stinky feet. Because your feet contain 250,000 sweat glands, they produce a lot of sweat every day, especially in hot weather.

Perspiration that gets caught in your socks or shoes can smell terrible, causing smelly feet or bromodosis. 

Furthermore, several people are genetically predisposed to sweat excessively (known as hyperhidrosis). It means that you sweat a lot, which might be a factor in your stinky feet all year round rather than just during the sweltering summer.


 Bacteria is one of the main causes of most cases of foot odor

Bacteria is one of the main causes of most cases of foot odor

Bacteria are also responsible for stinky feet. 

Normally found on your feet, these microscopic creatures prefer moist, gloomy environments like the inside of perspiring shoes. They thrive on sweat, so if you don't wear socks, that's what really worsens them.

Bacteria will feast on your foot under the right circumstances. These bacteria consume the oils and dead skin cells on your skin. As their colonies expand, organic acids will begin to be released as waste. The foul odor comes from such organic acids.


Not only may bacteria generate bad odors on your feet, but also fungus. In warm, humid environments, fungus develops and flourishes. They may grow in the moist environment created by sweat on your feet inside of socks and shoes. The popular name for this foul-smelling fungus is athlete's foot.

 What causes feet to smell bad?

What causes feet to smell bad?

What Helps Foot Odor

Foot odor makes people uncomfortable and even self-conscious. However, the great news is that this condition is not difficult to treat. 

Generally, with daily attention and making foot care a part of the hygiene routine, foot odor will be reduced gradually and even eliminated quickly. 

Below are simple but effective solutions for reducing, eliminating, and preventing foot odor. They are divided into three groups to make things easier to follow.

Keep your feet clean and dry

 Keep your feet clean and dry

Keep your feet clean and dry

It is worth noting that excellent foot hygiene is critical for treating and preventing stinky feet. To keep them clean and dry, you should:

  • Wash your feet every day using antibacterial soap and a scrub brush (ask the pharmacist for advice on what antibacterial soaps to use). Be sure to completely dry your feet after washing. Remember to pay close attention to areas between the toes since any wetness can result in the growth of bacteria there. 

  • Clip toenails often to keep them short. Also, make sure to clean your toenails regularly.

  • Remove any hard skin or dead skin from the feet using a foot file. Hard skin can become soggy and soft when damp, creating an ideal home for bacteria to live and grow.

Excellent foot hygiene is critical for treating and preventing stinky feet

Excellent foot hygiene is critical for treating and preventing stinky feet

Pay attention to your shoes and socks

When it comes to what helps with bad foot odor, wearing the right shoes and socks, keeping them clean, and maintaining hygiene also matter. 

  • Wear the right socks. Choose socks made of cotton, wool, or other natural fibers that absorb moisture efficiently. Remember to always wear socks with close-toed shoes.

  • Change your socks regularly (at least once a day) and put on a fresh pair of socks if they get damp. Also, if the weather is hot or when you exercise, or in other situations when your feet get sweaty, it’s necessary to change the socks more often.

  • Make sure that your shoes are not too tight to wear. Choose shoes made of leather or canvas instead of plastic since they let your feet breathe.

  • Try not to put on the same pair of shoes for 2 consecutive days because wearing the same shoes day by day can make them get smellier. It’s a good idea to have at least two pairs of shoes so that you can switch every other day. (See Tips on choosing the best shoes for summer)

  • In summer, looking for and wearing the best shoes for summer which should be truly breathable footwear items.

 Wearing the right shoes and socks

Wearing the right shoes and socks

Consider using foot products

Aside from these easy solutions above, what helps get rid of foot odor is to use some useful foot products. You can consider the following:

  • Insert medicated insoles, which offer a deodorizing effect, into your shoes.

  • Use a medicated foot powder to absorb sweat.

  • Apply spray deodorant or antiperspirant to your feet if you want to cut down on the bad smells more quickly. 

  • Use an effective foot odor home remedy such as bathing your feet in vinegar, dabbing in-between the toes with rubbing alcohol, soaking your feet in salt water or baking soda, etc.

Medicated insoles, foot powder, and spray deodorant or antiperspirant are all foot products for smelly feet. Consider using them if necessary. Don't forget to ask the pharmacist for advice and recommendations on which products and brands to use.

 How to get rid of foot odor home remedies?

How to get rid of foot odor home remedies?

More to explore:

When to See a Doctor?

According to NHS.uk, smelly feet are a common and harmless problem. It can be gotten rid of with simple solutions and practices. For that reason, foot odor normally is not a sign of a health problem.

However, it sometimes might be a sign and symptom of a medical problem. 

So, see your doctor if simple solutions to cut down on foot odor don’t work or if you are worried that your sweating level is unusually high, or if you notice any signs of infection. 

Your doctor can prescribe stronger and more effective treatments to combat excessive sweating and foot odor. No one other than your doctor knows what helps get rid of foot odor fast and the best ways to deal with this annoying condition thoroughly.

 Foot odor sometimes might be a sign and symptom of a medical problem

Foot odor sometimes might be a sign and symptom of a medical problem

Wrapping up

Above are simple but useful solutions and methods to reduce, eliminate, and prevent foot odor. Although foot odors or smelly feet are not rare, you need to see a doctor soon if simple measures regarding what helps foot odor don’t help improve the condition or if you notice any unusual signs on your feet and the level of sweating on your feet. If you come up with any further methods, share them with us in the comment section below!

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