Weather News
Possibility of flood to be augmented in central Plains, Mississippi Valley this week due to rounds of storms
The meteorologists even added that the greatest dangers will be from rapid small stream and urban flooding

Flooding Storms To Move Across Central US, Join On Interstate-95 Corridor This Week
The storms will break heat as they approach. However, high humidity may remain in the Deep South and near the Atlantic coast.

Following the death of Indiana man, U.S. lightning fatality death toll rises for 2019
The Woods in Marshall County when a line of strong thunderstorm moved through the region. Eberhardt was hit and went into cardiac arrest.

New Orleans Left Unhurt By Barry, But Stokes Alarms For Tornadoes & Floods
Tropical storm Barry dumped rain as it gradually brushed away inland all the way through Gulf coast states New Orleans on Sunday

Hawaii to swipe early this week with Barbara
Even though Barbara is no longer a tropical storm or a hurricane, thunderstorms and showers linked to the diminished system

Where can fireworks show by thunderstorms be expected on the 4th of July?
Storms are expected from central and northern Idaho eastward to Pennsylvania and parts of Delaware, New York state, and New Jersey

Summer Weather Prediction Contrasts Stridently Throughout Canada
Humidity and downpours can be expected in Atlantic and Central areas, B.C. is looking forward to be “king of the heat’.

Harsh Weather Churns Up Tornadoes Sets Free Strong Winds Throughout Central Us
The central United States was hit by one more round of tornadoes from North Dakota and Oklahoma to Indiana through the weekend.

Harsh Flooding Prompts the States of Crisis, Leaves 3 Dead in North Carolina
Water keeps on rising in the southeastern United States, warning more lives and property. 3 people were dead in the course of the heavy rain near Lincolnton, North Carolina, on Saturday evening. The vehicle they were traveling in slid off the road, hit a tree and tipped over into rising creek waters.

The Incredible diverse Climate and Weather in Washington State, USA
When it comes to climate and geography, Washington State is literally the study in contrasts.