Perfect ideas for delicious picnic foods for hot weather

Mar 05 2021 - Views: 1383
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Are you crazy in your mind about thinking about picnic foods for hot weather? On a nice sunny Sunday, going to a picnic seems a great suggestion for all of your family members. However, in hot temperatures, foods easily become rancid, therefore, you will need to take notice carefully which foods should be prepared and how to protect food. Let’s read the article carefully to find your tips. 

picnic foods for hot weather

Perfect ideas for delicious picnic foods for hot weather

Perfect ideas for delicious picnic foods for hot weather

  1. Fresh vegetable salads

In hot summer, salads are always favored by everyone from fruit salad, vegetables. Besides, salad recipes are also simple and easily conducted. Salads including fresh veggies like broccoli, tomatoes, cucumbers, leafy greens, and red onions topped with a light balsamic vinaigrette make for a refreshing and healthy picnic dish everyone can eat without fear of spoiling. Absolutely, fresh vegetables are not going to go bad because they can be served at room temperature. Leafy greens might wilt in heat and humidity, but they're still a good option if you have a cooler to store them in while going on a picnic. 

One small note here is that you can prepare ingredients: leafy greens, tomatoes, onions, eggs, and sauce in different boxes. When eating, you take all boxes and mix them to taste. That’s such a good idea of picnic foods for hot weather

picnic foods for hot weather

Fresh vegetable salads are a good idea of picnic foods for hot weather

  1. Ham & Cheese Sandwich

Ham & Cheese Sandwich also can not be indispensable in a picnic. Like salads, sandwiches are made quickly and easily preserved. You can make sandwiches suitable for the taste of your family members. 

A good sandwich idea of picnic foods for hot weather, you can reference is the ham and cheese sandwich. 

picnic foods for hot weather

A good sandwich idea of picnic foods for hot weather, you can reference is ham and cheese sandwich

You follow these steps:

  • Spread mayonnaise sauce on one side of each slice of bread. In a small bowl, stir to combine mustard and honey.

  • On 2 of the 4 slices, spread the mustard mixture on the opposite side of the mayo. You put 3 slices of cheese and 3 slices of ham per sandwich. Add 4 slices of pickle each, then top with the remaining slice of bread, mayo side out.

  • Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Place sandwiches into the machine and cook until bread is golden and cheese is melted, 3 minutes per side.

  • Finished. After that, you organize delicious sandwiches in a clean dry box. 

Is it so easy? With just 5 minutes, you finish preparing sandwiches for a picnic. Convenient and quick, of course, they are still yummy for you to eat under bright sunshine when you come to the destination. 

  1. Collard Wrap

Collard greens contain 90% water, therefore, consuming them will help you cool down your temperature especially under the scorching heat. Vitamins they provide you are not able to ignore such as vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C and B6 with high amount. 

Preparing delicious collard wrap bento boxes sounds great for picnic foods for hot weather. Under the muggy atmosphere, bright sunshine, you must not have wanted fried foods, hot foods which make you feel hotter. So that collard wrap brings a fresh, comfortable feeling to you.  

picnic foods for hot weather

Preparing delicious collard wrap bento boxes sounds great for picnic foods for hot weather

You can wrap collard greens with chicken, sliced avocados, shredded carrot, cucumber, and purple cabbage. You can be flexible to choose any ingredients which are suitable for your members to make your own collard wrap recipe. 

picnic foods for hot weather

Slice cross them into 2 parts and then organize them into bento boxes. Adding some fruits like strawberries, grapes to decorate. So, you have a big meal for a picnic. 

  1. Zucchini chips

On the way to the picnic destination, it can not be without a snack to taste. However, instead of greasy, salty potato chips which are to be familiar with you as well as contain a lot of unhealthy additives, you can try zucchini chips. It will be a tasty alternative, one of the delicious picnic foods for hot weather

You can buy it at many organic food stores and some general outlets, like Wal-Mart or you can make it yourself. The recipe is also simple.

You slice zucchinis very thinly and then put the slices in a bowl with ingredients like garlic powder, lemon juice, extra-virgin olive oil, cumin, smoked paprika, and chipotle powder. Mix them together until the slices are coated. Finally, place the slices in a dehydrator at 115 degrees, and dehydrate until they're crispy.

That’s all. Is it easy, right? Store them in a dry glass box and you can taste them at any time you want. 


picnic foods for hot weather

Zucchini chips will be a tasty alternative, one of the delicious picnic foods for hot weather

  1. Fruit bars

On a picnic, you can prepare some dessert for everyone after a meal, and Fruit bars are a good idea for picnic foods for hot weather. They are tasty and healthy enough to make you feel palatable. Especially, they do not require refrigeration to preserve them. 

They’re simple to make like a mixture of fresh, dried, or frozen fruits with whole-grain cereal, nuts, oats, honey, and nut butter into a baking dish. Bake the concoction for 25 minutes, it will be hard and then you cut it into small bars to eat easily. So, you can have yummy fruit bars as a dessert at the picnic or you can eat them after outside activities to get energy. 

Moreover, frozen red raspberries are a great choice for this recipe, because they do not need to be chopped and are frozen at peak ripeness to preserve all the fruit’s nutrients.

picnic foods for hot weather

At a picnic, you can prepare some dessert for everyone after a meal, and Fruit bars are a good idea for picnic foods for hot weather


Do not take you too much time, you still prepare a big meal for a picnic. Hope with perfect ideas for delicious picnic foods for hot weather, you and your relatives have a good picnic experience. Don't forget to visit to update weather news and read more useful information.

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