How to Protect Shoes in Wet Weather? 5+ Tips to Avoid Water Damage

Nov 29 2024 - Views: 100
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Rainy days seem so perfect when we are at home. Yet, it must be frustrating if you have to go outside since your clothes and shoes may get stained by water. Wearing waterproof shoes and using shoe covers are good ways to protect your shoes on wet, rainy days. But there are more things you can do than that! Scroll down to find out 5+ tips to protect your shoes in wet weather!

Protect shoes for rainy weather

Protect shoes for rainy weather

What Happens if You Wear Wet Shoes?

Wearing wet shoes for long periods can cause a number of problems, both for your health and the shoes themselves. Here's the breakdown:

Health risks

  • Blisters & skin irritation: Wet shoes increase friction between your feet and the material, which can lead to blisters, rashes, and other types of skin irritation.

  • Odor: Wet shoes can retain moisture, resulting in unpleasant smells over time as bacteria grow.

Health risks related to wet shoes

Health risks related to wet shoes

  • Infections: Damp conditions are great breeding grounds for bacteria and fungi. Thus, wearing damp shoes for a long time raises the chance of getting fungal infections such as athlete's foot or onychomycosis.

  • Cold feet: Wet shoes do not insulate effectively, so your feet may become cold. Prolonged exposure to cold and moist circumstances can cause chilblains (small, itchy, red spots on the skin) and, in severe cases, frostbite in cold weather.

Shoes damage

  • Material breakdown: Water can damage the shoe's glue, stitching, or fabric, resulting in faster wear and tear.

  • Sole damage: Water may deteriorate the soles of shoes, particularly those made of leather or other sensitive materials, causing cracking or separation.

  • Deformation: Shoes get wet in the rain may distort, especially if they dry unevenly. This may result in pain or make the shoes unusable.

Shoes damaged due to the rain

Shoes damaged due to the rain

How to Protect Your Shoes in Wet Weather?

If buying waterproof shoes or new shoes with rubber soles isn’t a good option for you, there are still many other good solutions that you can try. 

Keep reading on to get handy tips to safeguard your shoes in the rain right below:

Use a waterproof spray for shoes

Using a waterproof spray to protect shoes wet from rain is so common these days. 

There are a lot of waterproof sprays for shoes available on the market right now, ranging from cheap to very expensive ones. Ensure to choose the waterproof spray that is safe for the materials that your shoes are made out of (suede, canvas, leather, etc.).

Apply waterproof spray to shoes

Apply waterproof spray to shoes

You can do a test spray on a small, unnoticeable part of the shoes to ensure that the spray doesn’t cause any discoloration. 

When using this shoe protection spray, you need to apply it properly so that your shoes can be well protected from water and rain.

Use shoe covers

Another way to safeguard your shoes for rainy weather is to use shoe covers. This solution seems especially helpful if you live in an area where unpredictable heavy to moderate rains are common. 

Having some shoe covers in your bags means you don’t need to worry too much about the rain. You can wear your favorite footwear despite wet, rainy weather outside.

Waterproof shoe covers

Waterproof shoe covers

Shoe covers are waterproof and can be worn over shoes to your ankles. They will help protect your shoes from rainwater and muddy puddles on the road. Moreover, you can wash them off after using them.

Shoe covers can be found easily in many shoe stores. They aren’t very expensive. So, it’s quite a good idea to keep one or two pairs in your car or your bag in case it rains.

Try to avoid puddles

As it starts raining, people tend to move so quickly or even run fast without caring for puddles on the road. But you should not do that. 

Avoid puddles

Avoid puddles

Watch your steps and try to avoid stepping in puddles when you walk or run in the rain. If possible, it’s best to take shelter in a safe and dry place such as a supermarket or a mall till the rain stops. 

That way, you will not need to move quickly or run fast on the street when the rain starts pouring. Of course, your shoes will thank you for doing that.

Wear casual, inexpensive shoes

Don’t go outside with your favorite expensive shoes on rainy days. It’s a simple but effective way to protect them in wet weather. 

If unpredictable showers often come to your place, having an extra pair of shoes in your car or at your workplace seems so useful.

Wear casual, inexpensive shoes instead of your favorite dress shoes on rainy days

Wear casual, inexpensive shoes instead of your favorite dress shoes on rainy days

So, when you wear your regular dress shoes to work or go somewhere, and it suddenly starts to pour rain, you can instantly switch to the casual, inexpensive pair. 

Also, if you hear about the rain prediction on the news, you can leave your favorite dress shoes at home and go out with a pair of rain boots or any other ones that you find suitable.

Have more than one pair of shoes to wear rotationally

It’s not a good idea to wear just one pair of shoes the day after another if rain is predicted to last for days in your place. 

You should consider having at least 2 pairs of dress shoes to rotate after every 2 or even more days so that you won’t need to wear a certain pair every day during the rainy season. 

Have more than one pair of shoes to wear rotationally

Have more than one pair of shoes to wear rotationally

When your shoes get wet, it’s better to let all the moisture dry naturally till your next wear. Doing this helps not only keep your shoes more durable but also ensures they are fresh without bad odor accumulating day after day. 

Check the weather forecast frequently

We all know the importance of weather forecasting. Checking today or tomorrow's weather forecast is essential if you want to know what the weather will be like and if it will be raining or not. 

Doing this helps you know what type of shoes and outfits you should wear, as well as have the best preparation before going out. 

GoWeatherForecast app

GoWeatherForecast app

For example, the best weather app for predicting rain will tell you if there’s a very high chance of precipitation for today.

Then, you will want to leave your favorite shoes at home or keep a pair of waterproof shoe covers in your bag or your car.

What Types of Shoes to Wear in Wet Weather?

With the various types of waterproof shoes available in the market, you can enjoy a gloomy day, even if the sky is literally raining on your parade. 

Fashion rain boots

Many people have the habit of bringing an extra pair of slippers in bags to replace their shoes when it is raining. Though that’s not a bad idea, it seems better and much more convenient to wear rain boots.

Fashion rain boots

Fashion rain boots

As of today, fashion rain boots come in a wide range of styles and colors. You can purchase one or two pairs that are easy to mix with your rainy weather outfits

Waterproof shoes

Don’t know what to wear on rainy days? Having a quality pair of waterproof shoes must be one of the top priorities. 

They are made from protective materials that help prevent water from entering inside them. In addition, waterproof materials can keep the shoes in new condition longer than many other types of materials. 

Invest in waterproof shoes 

Invest in waterproof shoes

That means waterproof shoes tend to be more durable as they are impervious to water and won’t be spoiled or soiled from puddles on the road.

Shoes with rubber soles

Water tends to easily slide off the rubber without leaving behind damage. Plus, shoes with rubber soles are more slip-resistant. Thus, it is a good idea to walk through wet areas with this type of shoes.

If you live in an area where rain occurs frequently, then it’s a good idea to have at least one good quality pair of shoes that provide rubber soles. 


Shoes with rubber soles

Shoes with rubber soles

What To Do if Your Shoes Get Wet?

Footwear may get wet anywhere. That is why it is important to know how to dry your boots and shoes rapidly. Follow our advice below!

Use newspaper to dry shoes

If you go home with damp shoes, then you need to act quickly after getting back home. 

Don’t just leave your shoes on the doorstep or your shoe rack, as they would end up smelling so bad. Not to mention, wet shoes also tend to lose their form.

Dry your shoes immediately

Dry your shoes immediately

For the best result, ball up and put some old newspapers in wet shoes to absorb water quickly as well as help maintain their shapes. Remove the insoles and dry them separately.

Furthermore, you should not keep your wet shoes in the sun for so long to dry them because that can warp the shoe material. It’s better to dry them naturally without overheating.

Have cedar shoe trees

When it comes to getting your shoes back to their shape after they have spent the day out in the rain, cedar shoe trees are so useful.

They will help absorb all leftover moisture from the shoes, remove shoe odor, and keep them smelling pleasant. Cedar shoe trees are a great treatment for wet shoes, so consider having a pair if you find it necessary.

Cedar shoe trees

Cedar shoe trees

Get a shoe dryer

When you frequently deal with shoes in wet weather, investing in a shoe dryer is well worth the money. 

They are convenient devices that are simple to use and inexpensive. Dryers are also an excellent technique to eliminate unpleasant odors from your boots and shoes.

Simply remove the shoelaces and insoles. Place the shoes upside down on the dryer. Then turn on the dryer and let it work its magic. 

Purchase a shoe dryer

Purchase a shoe dryer

Use the fridge

Canvas and fabric shoes may be dried using your fridge. However, you will not need to store them in a fridge. Instead, position them in front of the appliance's vents. The air will accelerate the drying process.

First, take the insoles out of your damp shoes. Place them in front of the fridge vent, with the opening of the shoe facing the vent. Let them dry there overnight.

Tips to dry your wet shoes

Tips to dry your wet shoes


It is easy to protect your shoes in wet weather. As long as you are prepared, your shoes won’t be damaged. Even if they get wet, there are also ways to dry them quickly as well as maintain and restore their original shape, and you know these. Hope that all the tips listed above were useful and interesting to you.

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